5,167 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Pada Remaja Tentang Upaya Pencegahan Terjadinya Gastritis Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Remaja Untuk Mencegah Terjadinya Gastritis di SMK Negeri 1 Semarang

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    Latar Belakang :Banyak perilaku remaja yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya gastritis. Perilaku tersebut dikarenakan berbagai faktor diantaranya yaitu pengetahuan dan sikap remaja untuk mencegah gastritis. Pemberian penyuluhan dan bimbingan melalui pendidikan kesehatan diharapkan bisa merubah pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan pada remaja tentang upaya pencegahan terjadinya gastritis terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap remaja untuk mencegah terjadinya gastritis. Metodologi Penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen kuasi dengan rancangan penelitiannya adalah Pre-test post-test design with control group. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitas sebagai instrumen penelitian. Sampel penelitian ini meliputi 60 siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Semarang dengan menggunakan purposive sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa bivariate, Wilcoxon Match Pair Test. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan jumlah responden yang memiliki pengetahuan tinggi antara sebelum dan sesudah pendidikan kesehatan yaitu dari 23,3% menjadi sebanyak 100%, dengan p value 0,000. Dan terdapat peningkatan jumlah responden yang memiliki sikap positif antara sebelum dan sesudah pendidikan kesehatan yaitu 40,0% menjadi 86,7% dengan p value 0,001. Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan pada remaja tentang upaya pencegahan terjadinya gastritis terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap remaja untuk mencegah terjadinya gastriti


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    Novel is a book that contains of long story in the form of prose which has some important points: (1) it may create a powerful emotional impact on the reader’s mind (2) it can make people hear, feel and see, (3) the language that is used is clear. By reading novel people can gain important knowledge in many kind of fields, such as: politic, social, religion, etc. For example, in Laurie Bridges and Paul Alexander’s novel “Swamp Witch”, while reading the story, the readers are able to know about love, friendship, togetherness, even about superstition and the possibilities of good and evil in the real life. This study focuses on the intrinsic element of literature and tries to analyze the kind of conflicts faced by Linda Jackson as the main character, the effect of those conflicts on her personality and how the conflicts can be solved. The main purpose of this study is to know the conflicts in this novel in order that the readers can learn their personality and behavior toward their environment. This study used descriptive qualitative research design because there was no treatment as it is in experimental research. Moreover, in doing this research, the writer used the objective approach; in this case, the writer did not need to study about the author’s life, background of the work and society but attempted to analyze the work itself, and considered “Swamp Witch” novel as the object of the study. From the result of the analysis, it is found that there were three kinds of conflicts faced by Linda Jackson, namely: social, psychological and physical conflicts. And those conflicts had made Linda as a pessimistic, sensitive, fainthearted and easily offended person. Finally, the social conflicts faced by Linda could be solved by Tubelle’s death, reminding that the conflict existed because of Tubelle’s presence and her magical power. Then, the psychological conflicts could be reduced by Linda’s effort by telling her guilt feeling, fear and confusion to Ron Haines because she considered him as the only one person who could be trusted. And the last, in facing her physical conflicts, besides Linda had to struggle by herself, she was also helped by Ron Haines and Ben Davis, Tubelle’s grandson. Then, these conflicts ended by Tubelle’s death

    Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Mangrove Dengan Konsep Blue Economy Bagi Masyarakat Pesisir di Kecamatan Belakang Padang

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    The purpose of this study is an effort to apply the blue economy concept to optimize the potential of mangrove resources in improving the economy of coastal communities in the District of Back Padang. This research is motivated by the problem of misunderstanding for the community in utilizing the existing potential so that there is no looting of mangrove forests. The theory used in this discussion refers to the concept of the blue economy because it is oriented to the principle of strength and potential in the region as well as empowerment in strengthening the economy of coastal communities, this study also uses qualitative methods with descriptive research types. The results of this study indicate that the existence of the blue economy concept is able to answer in increasing knowledge and empowerment of coastal communities that the potential in mangrove forests can be processed into processed products such as syrup and crackers. In addition, it can create a central area for aquatic biotic cultivation, which can encourage the wheels of the economy for communities in coastal areas. The development of coastal areas must depart from its ecological and economic functions and the concept of Blue economy is a model in the field of economic strategy that isimplemented in coastal areas


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    Unplanned urbanization can cause unhealthy urban environment, which in turn increases the population of mosquitoes carrying the dengue vector. Consequently, this would reduce the urban life quality because public health is an important aspect of it. The increasing incidence of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Semarang City has been alarming. In 2013, the incidence was 2,364 cases, which increased up to 89.11% from the 1,250 cases of 2012. So, it is necessary to study about what relationship is there between the level of urbanization and the incidence of DHF in Semarang. This study used quantitative and spatial approach. The unit of analysis is sub-district with time series data from 2006 to 2013. The analysis technique is spatial analysis through image interpretation, regression, and descriptive analysis. The level of urbanization has been measured through the variables of population growth, population density, land use change, and building density. The results have shown that there is no significant correlation between the level of urbanization and the incidence of dengue fever. The urbanization is acknowledged as influencing only about 28% of the DHF incidence in the city, while the other 72% has been influenced by other factors

    Gall Rust Disease Of 'Batai' [Falcataria Moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes]In Sabah, Malaysia

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    Batai (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby and J.W. Grimes) is one of the valuable multipurpose tree species for forest plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. However, since 1993, gall rust disease has been identified as a dangerous malady of batai causing severe damage to all growth stages of the plant from seedlings in the nursery to mature trees in the field. Thus, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the environmental factors affecting disease development, to characterize and identify the gall rust fungus and gall rust symptoms, to screen F. moluccana seedlings from eleven seed sources for growth and gall rust disease resistance, and to assess the genetic variation of those seed sources and its relationship with gall rust disease severity.Based on the result from the step-wise multiple regression analysis, it was found that open sites with flat topography, preferably without the occurrence of fog did not favour gall rust disease development. In addition, silvicultural treatments such as pruning, thinning and clear cutting were able to reduce gall rust disease incidence and severity. Relative humidity and wind speed were two meteorological factors which were significantly associated with the incidence and severity of gall rust disease. High relative humidity (RH ≥ 90%) and slow wind speed (WS ≤ 80 km/hours), was found to promote gall rust disease development. In addition, it appeared that the spread of gall rust spores originated from the north, probably from the Philippines to Brumas Estate, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. Gall rust disease on F. moluccana in Brumas Estate, is caused by the gall rust fungus Uromycladium tepperianum (Sacc.) McAlp., family: Pileolariaceae, order: Uredinales class: Urediniomycetes. The fungus produces teliospores which have ridged longitudinal striations, with three spores on each head. The size of the teliospores ranged from 13-18 μm wide and 17-26 μm long. The fungus completed entire life cycle on one host, i.e. F. moluccana. This study confirmed that the teliospores cannot themselves infect the host; they have to germinate to produce basidiospores, which are formed at least 10 hours after inoculation. Then a penetration peg was formed by a matured basidiospore 16 hours after inoculation, penetrates the host cells directly through the epidermis. Seven days after inoculation (DAI), vegetative mycelia of this gall-forming rust give rise to pycnia, recognized as small brown pustule which breaks through the epidermis. The typical symptom of gall rust disease on the seedlings is bending of the stem or shoot, either with or without the formation of a dark red necrotic lesion. However the symptoms on older trees range from the development of large chocolate brown, irregularly shaped, cauliflower-like or whip-like galls on the stem, branch, petiole, shoot, pod, seed or flower stalk. The surfaces of mature galls were generally covered with cinnamon-coloured spores. The older galls become reddish brown which eventually turned black and they are commonly invaded by tunneling insects. Based on the rate of infection, cumulative mortality due to gall rust disease and the effect of gall rust disease on relative growth rate, seedlings from Wamena seed source were moderately resistant that this was the best seed source of the eleven seed sources tested. Generally, the effect of gall rust disease in decreasing the relative growth rate of seedlings was only significantly different at 47 DAI, particularly for seedlings from RO5/95 and Walang Gintang seed sources. Resistance to gall rust disease was accounted by approximately 41-46% of genetic and 54–59% of environmental factors respectively. The qualitative character of height was accounted for by approximately 50-84% and 16-50% of genetic and environmental factors respectively. The genetic correlation between gall rust disease severity and height of seedling was high (85%) and positive, particularly at 27 DAI. The genetic diversity of eleven seed sources F. moluccana seedlings assessed using RAPDs technique was small, with 1.036-1.094 effective alleles, 34-55 polymorphic loci, 35.05% to 56.76% proportion of polymorphic loci, Shannon Diversity Index of 0.115-0.192 and Nei's Diversity Index of 0.18-0.29. In addition, the genetic distance between seed sources was narrow (0.036 to 0.152). All seedlings from Brumas seed sources (RO2, RO5, R2001 and 2S/75) were closely related to those from East Timor, East Flores, Moluccas and Java, but were distant from Wamena. There were negative and small relationship between polymorphic loci, Shannon's Diversity Index, Nei's Diversity Index and gall rust disease severity at 7, 17 and 27 DAI (R2 = 4% to 27%). However, their relationship at 37 and 47 DAI were positive and relatively moderate (R2 = 39% to 49%). Thus, the correlations between genetic variation and gall rust disease severity of F. moluccana seedlings were inconsistent by times and their relationship was not strong. Since gall rust disease resistance was accounted by genetic and environmental factors almost at the same proportion, applying integrated gall rust management control becomes essential. Site selection, using genetically resistant material, regular monitoring, pruning, thinning in the field and chemical control in the nursery are principle methods for preventing gall rust disease of F. moluccana at Brumas Estate


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    The paper entitles “The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle Game towards Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”. The aims of this research are to find out the effectiveness of crossword puzzles game in improving students’ vocabulary mastery and also to know the students’ response by using crossword puzzles game at the second grade of SMP Muara Madani. The research method is a pre-experimental using 23 students as sample from 100 students of population. To obtain the data, the writer used pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The sample are given the pre-test before the treatment is given to them. The post-test and the questionnaire are given in order to find out the improvement of the sample after the treatment using crossword puzzles game. The data result of the test is analysed by using t-test. The finding of this research shows that crossword puzzle game is effective for improving students’ vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from the t-observed is higher that t-table (3.07 > 2.069) at p = 0.5. That means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Other than that, from the questionnaire data result crossword puzzles game also get the positive response from the participant. Thus, crossword puzzle game can improve the students not only their vocabulary mastery, but also can help students in learning vocabulary, suitable to be applied in the classroom, make the students happy and also can make the students exited while the students learning English vocabulary mastery

    The Comparison of Local Government Financial Health

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    Measurement of the financial health of local governments is essential to assess the sustainability of services for the community. This study aims to compare the financial health of local governments using three approaches. The data used are BPK audited financial reports for Regency and City Governments in Jambi Province and data from BPS Jambi Province. The analytical tool used is a different test with Kruskal Wallis. The results showed that all hypotheses were proven, meaning that there were differences in the financial health condition of the district and city governments in Jambi Province for the three approaches used. Jambi City is the area with the healthiest financial situation for the FTMS model. Regencies and cities in Jambi Province with the Kloha model are in a healthy position. No region is in a place of fiscal emergency. All areas also do not face problems for the solvency-financial flexibility model. Overall, the financial condition of districts and cities in Jambi province is in a healthy financial situation. This research has implications for local governments in making monetary policies, especially related to optimizing asset management. In addition, the financial flexibility index is also fundamental to be considered by regions that have the potential for extraordinary events. Further researchers can develop other research methods such as qualitative and add research variables to obtain more complete results. Keywords: Local Government Health, Revenue, Expenditure, Financial Report DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/12-14-07 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Spondylosis L4-S1 di RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya

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    Latar Belakang : Karya tulis ilmiah penatalaksanaan fisioterapi pada kondisi Spondylosis L4-S1 ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui penatalaksanaan fisioterapi, menambah wawasan, dan ilmu pengetahuan serta menyebarluaskan informasi tambahan tentang peran fisioterapi yang menyebabkan timbulnya berbagai permasalahan fisik yang berhubungan dengan daerah punggung bawah dan modalitas yang diberikan pada kondisi ini adalah IR (Infra Red), TENS (Transcutaneus Electrical nerve Stimulation) dan Terapi latihan (William Flexion Exercise). Tujuan :Pembatasan yang ada pada karya tulis ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas IR (Infra Red), TENS (Transcutaneus Electrical nerve Stimulation) dan Terapi latihan (William Flexion Exercise) pada kondisi Spondylosis L4-S1 Pada kasus ini terapi dilakukan sebanyak 6 kali dan didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: Hasil :Adanya penurunan derajat nyeri dimana nyeri diam dari T0= nyeri ringan menjadi T6=tidak nyeri, nyeri tekan dari T0=nyeri tidak begitu berat menjadi T6= nyeri ringan dan nyeri gerak dari T0= nyeri cukup berat menjadi T6= nyeri tidak begitu berat. Adanya peningkatan LGS pada gerakan ekstensi. Hasil sebelum terapi pada gerakan ekstensi saat sebelum terapi T0= 3cm dan setelah terapi T6= 4cm. Adanya ada peningkatan kemampuan fungsional. Hasil yang didapatkan saat sebelum terapi adalah T0= 17 dan setelah terapi adalah T6= 15. Kesimpulan :Saran selanjutnya pada karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah perlu diadakan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui modalitas fisioterapi apa yang berpengaruh diantara modalitas yang telah diterapkan tersebut di atas pada kondisi Spondylosis L4-S1


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    SRI RAHAYU.The Influence of Brand Image, Price and Quality Product Towards Purchase Intention Waterproof Smartphone among Students at State University of Jakarta. Thesis. Jakarta: Study Program of Commerce Education, Economic And Administration Department, Economic Faculty, State University of Jakarta. Juni 2015. This study is aimed at obtaining valid and factual informationand knowledge about influence of Brand Image, Price and Quality Product Towards Purchase Intention Waterproof Smartphone among Students at State University of Jakarta. The period of this research was five months since February 2015 until June 2015. This study employs survey method with quantitative approach independent variable in the study are brand image, price, and quality product. The dependent variable is purchase Intention. The population in this study were all of the students at Faculty of Economics State University of Jakarta. The sample used in this study is 238 respondents. First Step for statistical computation of this study are basic and classic assumption test. Basic assumption with using normality and linearity test. Classic assumption with multikolinearity and heterocedacity test. The result data were distributed normal based on Smirnov- Kolomogrof tabel with signification over 0.05 and linear with scatterplot. Data is not having multikolinearity and heterocedacity problem too from each variable. From the calculation results obtained by linear regression equation Ŷ = 10.633 + 0.785X1 (Brand Image), Ŷ = 17.529 + 0.556X2 (Price), Ŷ = 13.195 + 0.535X3 (Quality Product). Based on t-test, tcount brand image (13.374)>ttable (1.970) and 0.000 sig ttable (1.970) and 0.000 sig <5%. The decision that can be taken is accept H2. And the value of tcount quality product (13.533) >ttable (1970) and 0.000 sig <5%. The decision that can be taken is accept H3. From each variables means that brand image, price and quality product are significantly influence purchase intention waterproof smartphone. Furthermore, from each variable, brand image 43.1 %, price 26.4%, and quality product 43,7 % have influence purchase intention also in partial form